Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Chocolate Girl Wonder

Test image for a commission for my home girl Valecia

Check out her blog on life lesson from her unique point of view.

It's a great read.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Nicolas Marlet Sketchbook

Okay, I decided to check out this awesome blog that I'm sure everyone has heard of, http://characterdesign.blogspot.com/. Fellow blogger, Randall Sly posted, not too long ago, that the great Nicolas Marlet had just recently had a sketchbook published featuring personal work hat he has done. 164 pages for around $25, what a deal! He posted the link to the Gallery Nucleus website where the book can be purchase. By the time I was aware of the sketchbook(last week) it was sold out. Of course this comes to no surprise but I wanted the book badly.

It didn't take me long to find the book of course because I have a very reliable source for getting my hands on rare and out of print books, Stuart Ng Books. So for those of you who just needs to have this book, here's the direct link to the page where it can be found, http://www.stuartngbooks.com/sketchbooks4.html

Tell him Chris Sims from ArtOfficial Studios sent you and you can thank me later.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Long time coming...

Sorry I haven't been posting on a regular basis. I've been real busy with life as well as this art stuff. I put the manga/comic on hold for the time being because I've always wanted to do an animated short and I feel like it's about time that I get it started and then get it done. I can envision what I want it to look like but I'm not sure how to reach the final product so I'm just going to get into head first and see if I survive as well as deliver a product I would want to see.

I'll post progress screens as I work hard on this short and to keep the blog rolling, I'll post info and comments about things that I'm in to. Speaking of things I'm into. I have a new link for my amazon store. Check it out if you don't mind and if you see something you like, don't hesitate to make a purchase.

I finally got a facebook after so long of avoiding all these social networking sites, i.e. myspace, twitter etc. Come by and say hi.

That's basically all I have for now but I will be posting on a regular basis from now on. It may not always be art but it'll be something cool. As for now I will post an Illo I've done for the beautiful Jayonna Fabro and talented Michael Watson.
